Walker Learning ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the course of one term in the middle and upper levels of primary school.
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ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the course of one term. Participants will learn how to provide immersion experiences and teach skills for students to explore and learn through a research project.
The role of learning intentions of the main subject focus will be explored relating to conceptual understandings, demonstration of skills and knowledge.
Integrating the ERP with other curriculum areas will be reviewed so that teachers can facilitate and personalise the planning and negotiations of the ERP with the student.
Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS 1.1,1.2,1.5,3.5,4.1,4.2,6.2
* Minimum numbers are required for this event to proceed. We will notify you if there are any changes to your booked event.
The Walker Learning Pathway
The Walker Learning Approach is a journey and is best implemented through a pathway of PD modules which can be attended online or delivered as customised sessions to your school.