Building Resilience in Pre-schoolers (Geelong)

Customised Building Resilience in Pre-schoolers for the City of Geelong


This workshop aims to:

  • inform educators/parents of current research highlighting how strong mental health foundations support positive outcomes for life, and learning
  • support understanding of what resilience is and how to build children’s capacity to ‘bounce back.’
  • encourage reflection on self, personality types, and relationship building
  • increase knowledge of techniques and resources to enhance environments

Practical strategies for building resilience in self and in children are included in the workshop. The real-life experiences our early childhood consultants bring to this presentation will address a range of common scenarios in the 3-5 years age group and offer suggestions to support resilience. Our consultants will share their knowledge and deep understanding of young children’s behaviour throughout this session. Parents and communities are further supported with a recoded parent link and our e-book parent resource.

Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS –1.1,1.3,1.5,4.1,4.3,6.2