A refreshing look at new ideas and practical strategies for early childhood educators and art teachers to introduce young children to a love and appreciation of art.
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A refreshing look at new ideas and practical strategies for early childhood, early educators and art teachers to introduce young children to a love and appreciation of art.
This is a practical, workshop based PD session where we aim to inspire and build children’s confidence in using a range of art materials and equipment to set young children up for success.
This full-day session:
This PD is suitable for teachers and educators working with children aged birth to eight years of age in early childhood and primary settings.
A very practical hands-on workshop lead by a specialist artist and one of our own early childhood experts continues to make this one of our most popular sessions.
Lots of takeaways for educators to use, particularly within the Walker Learning environment.
Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS – 3.3, 3.4, 6.3
National Quality Standard: QA - 1, 3
Lunch and Morning Tea provided
Start time: 9.30am to 3.30pm
Limited numbers to 25 max.
This whole day event is always very popular - Please book / register early!