Transitioning Children from Years 2 to 3

For Year 2 Teachers

The Walker Learning (WL) pedagogy is based upon some key principles. Amongst these are included:

Engaging children in opportunities to investigate, self-initiate, create, problem solve, make independent decisions and actively explore their environment through carefully designed and set up learning centres. This promotes skills for life and immersion in a range of curriculum areas including literacy and numeracy.

Neuroscience and human development alongside cultural and environmental influences form a platform for the WL pedagogy and highlight how the brain is changing significantly around the age of 8-9 years.

We want children to have as long as possible in their investigation and skill acquisition stage of learning. Whilst some children by Year 2 will be maturing more quickly than others, we continue with investigations as children produce increasingly sophisticated investigations using higher order thinking skills.

We don’t fall into the trap of thinking that the more mature Year 2 children are becoming, the more bored they must be with investigating or that they are ready for Education Research Projects.

The entire WL pedagogy is based on continuity and consistency of practice, language and terminology. Moving children through each year of schooling in aspects that are similar and familiar to them forms the basis for the best elements of easy and smooth transition.

The good news is that Year 2 teachers do not have to “do” anything or change anything in their practice in particular to “prepare” the children for Year 3.

The best transition has already been designed in the WL pedagogy in how we continue with some key elements the children have experienced from their first year and introduce new ones as a right of passage for the children moving from Year 2 to Year 3. We also suggest that teachers in Year 3 can adapt their learning environments to accommodate those children who are not quite ready for the Year 3 requirements and this is explained in our fact sheets

Transitioning Year 3’s from Year 2 and ERP’s for Year 3 and Other Children who Need Additional Support.

Practical Elements for the Transition of Children Moving into Year 3:

  • Attend ERP Expos in the final two terms of Year 2 at least
  • Visit the Year 3 learning environment and listen to the Year 3’s talk about ERP’s.
  • Observe a Year 3 teacher or child demonstrating the use of a communication board
  • Observe a class meeting in action

The one thing that most children miss for the first few terms when they move into Year 3 is investigations. Remember, they have had some version of investigations since they were 3 years of age. They do however, become very excited and often feel very grown up to have ERP’s so it’s worth making a big deal about them.

The main message for Year 2 teachers and children is this.

“You are a Year 2 child right until the moment you are a Year 3 child. You don’t start practicing to be a Year 3 whilst you are still a Year 2”.

We enjoy the moments we have, not what we have to have in the future.