Introducing a Nature Pedagogy including an Outdoor Nature Investigations Virtual Study Tour - join us online.


Introducing a Nature Pedagogy - Curriculum Connections Outdoors
Learning through an investigative nature pedagogy. Join us online!Student Wellbeing

Research tells us that the outdoors provides the best environment to address wellbeing, development, and deeper learning. All of which matter more than ever to teachers and students. Build your children’s understanding of the importance of nature in their daily lives to contribute to more sustainable ways of living. Let us inspire you with nature learning opportunities in your context and see how a nature pedagogy addresses curriculum outcomes.

Using video footage, PowerPoint presentation, and expert commentary we will immerse you in the benefits of introducing a nature pedagogy. Explore how learning outcomes and links to the curriculum can be met naturally as children fully engage in their learning and investigate in the outdoor environment. See how regular visits to the ever-changing outdoor environment provides a canvas for children’s learning, problem solving, and creative expression. You will experience children learning holistically across the curriculum whilst demonstrating a deep respect for the natural environment and their place in it.

Hear from practicing teachers about the positive results the introduction of a nature pedagogy has created. Watch children and teachers authentically immersed in learning and how this provides opportunities for linking and connecting to formal learning and content.

You will see –

  • Investigation sessions at local bush/beach settings
  • Ideas for learning in nature in your context
  • How links to the curriculum can be met
  • How to manage learning experiences in a nature setting
  • Ways to structure teaching outdoors
  • Evidence and rationale for taking learning outdoors
  • The integration of indoor and outdoor learning and formal teaching
  • Practical ways to introduce outdoor learning including loose parts
  • Examples of connecting to the curriculum and meeting learning outcomes

Let us inspire you to incorporate your natural setting with a pedagogy that suits our times, our teaching practice, and our children.

Booking for 3 or more people? Use the PROMOTIONAL code SAVE10 and receive 10% OFF your order total for this event.

PD is suitable for leaders, teachers, and educators in Primary School (Children 5-12 years of age)

Australian Professional Teaching Standards: 1.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 6.2